Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Russian ANPR Systems

Russian ANPR Systems

Russian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is where your car can have its number plate read via a video camera and this information is then matched against various computer databases, for example: the DVLA (Driver Vehicle Licence Authority), PNC (Police National Computer), motor insurers databases and local police force intelligence systems. In addition, many bailiff companies now use ANPR to locate vehicles with an unpaid PCN. The titanHz is special Russian NPR System(Number Plate Recognition) software, which until now has many times proved the efficiency and reliability. The Russian police has been using this number plate recognition system since 1994. The titanHz Russian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) can be installed in a patrol car and is able to catch the licence plate number of vehicles even at high speed. Russian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology is used for enforcement with cameras that capture pictures of license plates of vehicles that fail to relay a usable tag ID. Information regarding the owners of such vehicles is obtained from the State’s vehicle registry.

In Russian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology ANPR System(Automatic Number Plate Recognition) uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on to read images taken of Vehicle License Plates. The cameras used can include existing road-rule enforcement or closed-circuit television cameras as well as mobile units which are usually attached to vehicles. Some systems use infrared cameras to take a clearer image of the plates. Some license plate arrangements use variations in font sizes and positioning – Russian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) must be able to cope with such differences in order to be truly effective. More complicated systems can cope with international variants, though many programs are individually tailored to each country. Overall, there is an error rate that makes human oversight necessary. (Wikipedia, citation below) As of 2006, systems can scan number plates at around one per second on cars traveling up to 100 mph (160 km/h). They can use existing closed-circuit television or road-rule enforcement cameras, or ones specifically designed for the task. They are used by various police forces and as a method of electronic toll collection on pay-per-use roads, and monitoring traffic activity such as red light adherence in an intersection.

Entry Station

titanHz offer best quality parking management system for each of our clients. Every parking system incorporates all parking-related functions including our award-winning service delivery, seamless employment administration and industry leading safety standards. We offer parking entry station, used as part of the Parking payment management System it provides a means of recording the date and time that a vehicle enters a car park. Located at the car park entrance, the parking entry station issues entry tickets to visitors as they arrive. Each vehicle entry ticket is printed with a barcode that contains a serial number and the date and time at which the ticket is issued. The action of taking the ticket triggers an ‘open’ signal to the entry barrier. The entry ticket will be taken to an parking attendant’s station or reception desk where the arrival date and time will be used in conjunction with other data to calculate the parking fee .If the associated vehicle parking exit station is fitted with a barcode scanner, the entry ticket can be used to enable exit from the car park if it is used within the preset grace period. A swipe card reader can be included to enable staff and long-term visitors use their passes to enter without requesting a parking ticket. Ticket printed with barcode or text. Data includes an individual serial number and date and time of arrival. Optionally prints a company logo on the ticket Protected against abuse and fraudulent operation Robust and efficient ticket dispensing mechanism Ensures that visitors take tickets with the correct entry time and date Optional intercom Connection for remote monitoring of "low paper" alarm Integral loop detector ensures that tickets are only dispensed when a vehicle is present Easy paper reloading and maintenance.

RFID Reader

RFID is a compact reader with a predefined set of functionality designed for standard access control installations. It is the system for passive UHF reading with medium range. This reader is designed for applications such as Parking, Gated Communities and Condominiums as well as People Access.Driver puts the sticker tag on the window shield allowing him to enter and exit from the car park in a speedy manner without having to stop at the columns.Consistent reading up to 6 meter.Operates with passive UHF tags Elegant slim design Weatherproof protected housing The UHF tags are battery and maintenance free.UHF tags are not reusable on other vehicles. Send Enquiry

Free Space Signal

Various types of panels are available to signal space availability in a rapid and efficient manner for car park users (free, complete, number of free spaces, availability of spaces on different floors, etc.).According to the different information and image requirements, there are available: - mono- and bi-facial panels;- multi-line panels with different information;- free space signal with a red/green traffic light or with a changeable text message on a LED matrix;- Number of free spaces signal with the number of spaces free or the general state ‘Free/Full’.

Signal Space Management System

Using ultrasonic sensors networked to the station, this software is able to monitor single car park spaces in real time, automatically modifying the signals and traffic flows so as to channel the cars into the free spaces and to the areas where there are still free spaces.The car park manager can channel traffic flows in an orderly way so that free spaces will be taken, improving the overall car park use. The users are guided by the system to the nearest free car park space, saving time. The system is an optional module that can be integrated into the pos software, it is easy to install even in old car parks, it is reliable and easy to use even in critical traffic conditions and it does not require any specific maintenance work. 

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