Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Application of Infrared Illumination to ANPR

The Application of Infrared Illumination to ANPR

If a standard colour or monochrome camera was focused to read number plates it would have to contend with a huge variety of lighting conditions, daytime, night-time, sunlight, backlight, headlights, and so on. One configuration simply would not cope with all conditions, so there is a need to provide a constant level and direction of illumination irrespective of any other conditions. And so we come to the development of special cameras for continuous capture of number plate data.he camera must be sensitive to the infrared part of the spectrum, to at least 850 nanometres. Then it must be fitted with a filter to restrict the visible part of the spectrum. The lens would have a manual iris set fully open and the shutter speed set to 1/1000th second. Finally an infrared source must be fitted adjacent to the camera. Therefore, taking advantage of the retro-reflective characteristics of number plates, the illumination from the illuminator will be reflected directly back to the camera. Thus only infrared light will be seen without any visible light or other reflections or refractions. The picture will of course be black with no detail except for the number plate. The OCR software then takes care of converting the image to usable code. Note that this is the sort of image on the monitor both day and night
Infra Red ViewNormal vehicle view 
This then is the core of ANPR technology, but there are many other factors to be considered. The first of these are the selection of lens and the distance to view the vehicle. The size of a UK license plate on cars and commercial vehicles is approximately 510mm long x 110mm high. Motorcycles are different being approximately 255 x 200. However more significantly, the minimum height of the letters must be 79mm. The current UK font is Charles Wright, although there are some illegal formats seen. The size of the number plate and the actual characters will need to be of a certain size when seen by the camera for the OCR software to function. One line of thought is that the number plate should be 18% of the scene width; I prefer to consider the vertical height of the characters, which from previous research should be 3% minimum for a 400 line camera. This in fact equates very closely to the 18% screen width but is more logical when considering different shapes of number plates. (For instance when a car plate is 18% of the screen a motorcycle plate would only be 7 %.) Also note that motorcycles currently do not have to carry a front number plate, but this could change in the future.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Parking Management Systems

Parking Management Systems

At Traffic Tech, we aim to maximize your business’ potential and increase the satisfaction level of customers that visit your site by enhancing the efficiency of your parking facility. We utilize our experience in traffic management and systems integration to provide professional parking management & security solutions. Since we believe that each car park is unique and require customized management systems in order to achieve optimal operation, we take a systems approach in designing entries and exits, traffic flow, guidance systems, payment systems, and access management of every parking project that we handle. Traffic Tech is a one-stop-shop parking solutions provider offering end-to-end services from design, supply, systems integration, installation, and commissioning, to operation and maintenance. We have executed large scale parking management system projects in the region with over 20,000 parking slots in total. Remember that the sooner your customers park, the earlier they can do business with you. Optimize your parking facility to create a lasting impression. Gain your customers’ loyalty. Once they experience convenience in your car park, you can expect them to be back and do more business with you. 

SmartPARK is an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System. Developed by Traffic Tech, it is designed to address needs in vehicle access control for paid and/or secure parking facilities. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System is a technology that provides automated access on number plate contents, extracting numbers and alphabets within a fraction of a second, and converts it to a computer recognizable format. Traffic Tech was the first to develop an Automatic Number Plate Recognition System with the capability to read Arabic number plates and characters at high accuracy.

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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Portuguese ANPR Systems

Portuguese ANPR Systems

Our Compliance and Quality Management software has been extended to encompass titanHz ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology. This system, called Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), is highly flexible suite of web-based software and hardware that can automatically read number plates by converting pictures into number plate text strings. The number extracted from the picture can then be used in a range of different control situations, either by Compliance or other enterprise management systems. Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a fully integrated turnkey system involving software, hardware and communication networks that can be configured many different ways to suit your requirements. Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) uses ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology as the basis to enable number plates to be extracted from standard video streams or still pictures. Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a mass-surveillance method that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images to read the number-plates on any vehicle. It can use existing closed-circuit television, road-rule enforcement cameras, or cameras specifically designed for the task. Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) can be used to store the images captured, as well as the text from the number plate. It is also able to store a photograph of the driver. Our system commonly uses infrared lighting to allow the picture to be taken at any time of the day. ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology tends to be region specific, owing to variation of number plates from place to place. Initially image manipulation techniques are used to detect, normalise and enhance the image of the number plate. Then the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is used to extract the alpha-numerics of the number plate.
The ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) engine is the true genius behind the Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system, and uses the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) engine by Adaptive Recognition Portuguese. The key task of the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) engine is to provide accurate reading capability “tuned” specifically for a country’s number plates style. ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) engine has been tuned for Brazil plates, providing brilliant accuracy and speed of resolution. Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) complements this technology perfectly by providing the complete solution, designed to suit the environment. This ensures the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Technology will provide you with the maximum advantage
Functional use of Portuguese ANPR Systems
Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is also finding favour within non-supervised car parks as a means to control access via a white list. This white list contains a list of vehicles with known access rights. Suitable for hotel, apartment and company car parks, this negates the use of disposable paper tickets and wireless FOBs. Companies with large fleets are introducing Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) as a cost effective method of tracking their vehicles throughout their depots. Large supermarkets and chains are also beginning to utilize the information obtained from their car-parks as a way of highlighting demographic patterns with a view to maximizing profits. For any traffic management system to be a success, the read rate must exceed 99%. Traditionally most operators shied away from Portuguese ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) when they discovered that their true read rates were rarely above 60%. In real world applications, this was the limit, not due to poor software but the result of using conventional CCTV systems to obtain the images. CCTV technology is 50 years old and does not lend itself well to computer recognition systems.

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Polish ANPR Systems

Polish ANPR Systems

The titanHz Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is an established technology that reads vehicle number plates via cameras, which are compared against the Police National Computer (PNC) and other databases (such as DVLA) and when a match is made the officer monitoring the system receives an alert which details the nature of police interest in that vehicle. The officer will then determine the most appropriate course of action to be taken, this may be initiated through an intercept team working with Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) in real time. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) devices work by scanning vehicle registrations and checking them against information stored in a variety of databases, to identify vehicles of interest to the police, such as stolen cars or those involved in crimes. When a suspicious vehicle is recognised it can be the focus of targeted interception and enquiries.
Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) stops criminals in their tracks, using Bedfordshire’s roads. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) has been branded under Operation Sentinel as a successful intelligence led, crime fighting and road safety tool. Bedfordshire Police is committed to targeting criminals, not law-abiding motorists and keeping the roads safe.
Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) are providers of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) solutions who design and develop Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) including both ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) hardware and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) software and achieve very high number plate recognition levels. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) work closely with selected systems integrator partners throughout the world and are recognised as leaders in technological innovation and service excellence in the field of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition). ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) provides a unique set of challenges: plate condition, variable fonts, speeds, levels of reflection, angles and many other factors can make the process very demanding. Unlike many Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) providers, Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) design and develop both hardware and software and usually achieve recognition levels at the highest end of our customers' expectations..

Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) supply ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) throughout the world and deliver functional and reliable Polish ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) solutions to all Polish customers. For this reason Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is renowned for being a significant supplier of Polish ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition).
Facts and figures
1. An Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera can read a number plate every second 
 2. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) enabled vehicles, along with mobile and static cameras are deployed on a daily basis across the Force 
4. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) has led to the arrest of burglars, robbers and drug dealers, among others. 
5. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) targets criminals, not innocent law abiding motorists. 
6. Polish ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) not only reduces crime but can be used to reduce road deaths and serious injuries on the roads by highlighting un-roadworthy vehicles – drivers without insurance are more likely to have been involved in other crimes

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Norwegian ANPR Systems

Norwegian ANPR Systems

The titanHz Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is one of the greatest world's leading Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), employing state of the art neural network techniques for character recognition. This capability ensures system efficiency and integrity for use in high volume or standard traffic flow situations. Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) are used extensively in policing and law enforcement and are now being used to monitor areas such as car parks, congestion zones and toll booths. Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) must quickly and accurately identify vehicles through the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). LED illuminators are ideal for use in Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) due to their long lifetimes, availability in a range of wavelengths and suitability for strobing. Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) illuminators must also be robust, particularly if being used in a mobile system, and long lasting as maintenance can be costly. titanHz provide illuminators with MTBFs of up to 100,000 hours. supplies some of the leading Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) manufacturers with LED illuminators. titanHz SpecBright Spotlights are used as illuminators for Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and titanHz also supplies custom solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
major feature of the National Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Data Centre for car numbers is the ability to data mine. Advanced versatile automated data mining software trawls through the vast amounts of data collected, finding patterns and meaning in the data. Data mining can be used on the records of previous sightings to build up intelligence of a vehicle's movements on the road network or can be used to find cloned vehicles by searching the database for impossibly quick journeys.
Functional use of Norwegian ANPR Systems
Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) has been used in such schemes to identify what vehicles are traversing a location, on the basis that the technology is less "invasive" than electronic tagging systems that require users to gain a RFID tag for the particular driver or vehicle. The registration database is typically linked to a billing system, with Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) being used to identify 'authorized' vehicles (which have usually paid for the privilege of using the local road network) and non-authorized vehicles, which are automatically issued with a fine. The Canada congestion pricing scheme (centred on a standard charge for private cars and commercial vehicles entering the zone during particular periods, with a 90% discount for residents and exemption for buses, taxis and disabled individuals) envisages that the penalty will be around per instance. while the current level of accuracy would not support an account-based charging system (for which a vehicle would have to be detected in order to be charged), it is sufficient for the enforcement of the current pre-pay system; individuals must pay the charge without knowing whether they have been detected.

Given the speed of processing and sufficient cameras it is possible to develop highly granular, time-specific and dynamic charging, eg different charges at various times of the day, higher charges when pollution reaches particular levels.
Highway Applications of Norwegian ANPR Systems
In com­mon with the statu­tory duty of any pub­lic body, the High­ways Agency will pro­vide assis­tance to the Police in the inves­ti­ga­tion of spe­cific seri­ous crimes (typ­i­cally those which carry a life sen­tence). The hash­ing process cre­ates a non-unique tag that may con­se­quently apply to a num­ber of vehi­cles. The High­ways Agency can­not there­fore be defin­i­tive about a spe­cific vehi­cle, and can only say whether or not one or more vehi­cles with that non-unique tag was observed at the loca­tion and within the spec­i­fied time parameters. As the data is non per­sonal infor­ma­tion (due to the non-unique tag for­mat) there are no Data Pro­tec­tion restric­tions on how long we keep it. Cur­rently, the data is kept indef­i­nitely for mod­el­ling the net­work effec­tively and antic­i­pat­ing dri­vers’ behav­iour in response to inci­dents on the road network . As the data is non per­sonal infor­ma­tion (due to the non-unique tag for­mat) there are no Data Pro­tec­tion restric­tions on how long we keep it. Cur­rently, the data is kept indef­i­nitely for mod­el­ling the net­work effec­tively and antic­i­pat­ing dri­vers’ behav­iour in response to inci­dents on the road network.

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Italian ANPR Systems

Italian ANPR Systems

The titanHzŸ Italian ANPR Engine (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) possesses all the features a high quality Italian LPR System License Plate Recognition may requires. It is highly accurate, fail safe and stable, fast and intelligent. Meanwhile it provides the highest technological performance amongst today's license plate readers, titanHz offers great flexibility for manufacturers and integrators of car Plate Recognition Systems.
It can be integrated into practically any Italian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) which needs Automatic Vehicle Recognition. There is no compromise. titanHz's Software Development Kit (SDK) makes integration of optical plate recognition extremely easy, fast and cost effective. And the resulted image processing system will have the highest performance - both in terms of recognition accuracy and speed - of OLPR (Optical License Plate Recognition). 

The titanHz offers general-purpose license plate reading from digital pictures of any tpye of sources. Whether it is a megapixel-size, 12bits/pixel high dynamic range, high resolution digital image or a 384x288 size colour CCTV video picture provided as input, (either from file or memory) titanHz Italian ANPR ŸSystem (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) provides ballanced reading of car plates. While there is a vast space for different configurations - you can freely set the working parameters of titanHzŸ to best fit your actual system's requirements - you do not need to become a master of tuning parameters: titanHzŸ is intelligent enough to provide high quality car Plate Recognition System for very different type of images and plates with even the default settings. There are many Italian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) powered by titanHzŸ with over 98.5% recognition rate (correct reading/total number of input) working 24h/day, 7days/week. titanHzŸ is a proven product - and a living Automatic Vehicle Recognition Technology. The titanHz Italian ANPR Engine (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and its SDK is a PC based solution supporting today's most PC operating systems.
titanHz is an advanced image database- and mangagement system, aimed at users of surveillance cameras as in parking houses, security terrains etc. and that compared with conventional monitoring a range of advantages. titanHz Italian LPR (License Plate Recognition) is in use for transport, traffic control, law enforcement, surveillance and parkmanagement. The system is fully interactive and alerted employees and security forces with audible and visual alarms and calls for action. It is also ideal for access control in parking garages and barriers can be open. LEDs for desired / unwanted vehicles can be controlled.
The titanHz Italian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) identifies rectangular areas with the help of a video image, i.e. number plates, and cuts them from the picture. With standard CCTV cameras with automatic aperture, certain light conditions can cause the not immaculate working system and the number is not recognized!With a fixed aperture can be environ-mental and weather conditions, headlights, etc. cause the same effect. (Over-or under-exposure).

For this reason, special recognition Italian ANPR Cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) are used. The integrated infrared emitters use the retro-reflecting layer of the plates optimal. Thus, the light from the light source is reflected from the number plate - and from virtually any angle.

Our titanHz IR cameras solve this problem with a combination of infrared-filtered light, filtered CCD sensors for more precise wavelengths, electronically controlled shutter and electronic veil correction to avoid blurring used. We deliver the titanHz Italian ANPR cameras in different versions for different applications: facilities and barriers to access roads, highways and expressways, mast or soil assembly integrated into columns and railings and a mobile version.

While titanHz is suitable for any Italian ALPR System (Automatic License Plate Recognition) , it is mainly used in ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems), security systems and low enforcement systems. The main applications are: motorway toll collection (highway toll collection), traffic analysis, weight in motion, police law enforcement, state border control, enforcement of traffic regulations, vehicle theft prevention, asserts protection, automation and simplification of airport, harbour and warehouse logistics, security monitoring of roads and checkpoints, vehicle surveillance, etc... As car plate recognition is the most natural way of automatic car identification, car license plate recognition can be used anywhere, where automatic, computerised vehicle identification is needed.

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Hungarian ANPR Systems

Hungarian ANPR Systems

The titanHz Hungarian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is one of the world's leading Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), employing state of the art neural network techniques for character recognition. This capability ensures system efficiency and integrity for use in high volume or standard traffic flow situations. Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) are used extensively in policing and law enforcement and are now being used to monitor areas such as car parks, congestion zones and toll booths. titanHz Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) must quickly and accurately identify vehicles through the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). LED illuminators are ideal for use in Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) due to their long lifetimes, availability in a range of wavelengths and suitability for strobing. Hungarian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) illuminators must also be robust, particularly if being used in a mobile system, and long lasting as maintenance can be costly. titanHz provide illuminators with MTBFs of up to 100,000 hours. titanHz supplies some of the leading Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate recognition) manufacturers with LED illuminators. titanHz SpecBright Spotlights are used as illuminators for Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and titanHz also supplies custom solutions to meet specific customer requirements. 
Hungarian ANPR Functionality
titanHz Hungarian ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is suitable for use in parking lots, for traffic surveys, gas stations (as a "drive-off" deterrent), and to detect stolen vehicles if used in conjunction with database searching. titanHz Hungarian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) also has time scheduling capabilities to offer vehicle access control for commercial and industry entry/exit scenarios. Integration with the titanHz Hungarian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) provides a complete solution to any number plate recognition requirement. titanHz Hungarian ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) offers users the following capabilities:

1.Unprecedented reliability due to neural network-based character recognition
2.Operational speeds exceeding 100 MPH/160 KPH 
3.Multiple cameras can be monitored using one channel via a sequencing facility
4.System can be trained to recognize any international plate format 
5.Ability to capture, store, and reviewing of number plates
6.Ability to initiate automated responses such as opening of barriers, email, SMS messaging, or image transmission to central locations 
7.Real-time number plate searching against user-defined databases 
8.Compatibility with existing CCTV systems
9.Archive/backup to CD or DVD Modular system design

Based on a proven digital video capture and transmission system, titanHz Hungarian ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) includes all of the elements needed to enable an organization to:

1.Detect and recognize number plates 
2.Capture, store, and allow viewing of a vehicle's number plate and wider overview images (single images or video sequences)
3.Perform number plate searching against a database 
4.Initiate automated responses, such as opening automated barriers, triggering audio -messaging or dial-up to central locations
5.Provide video and data transmission across LAN, WAN, Internet, and Intranet Hungarian ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is also available as a range of highly configurable software/hardware modules available for integration into OEM applications
What Can We Offer To You?
We design and develop high quality recognition software for the automatic recognition of vehicle license plates. We market our titanHz Hungarian ANPR Software (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) as a Number Plate Recognition engine along with a software development kit (SDK). We offer it to you in this integratable form in order to let you incorporate Hungarian ANPR Technology (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) into your computer system. Your computer system equipped with our titanHz Hungarian ANPR Software Engine( Automatic Number Plate Recognition) becomes capable of reading the registration number of any vehicle from around the World with the highest accuracy under a fraction of a second.
Beside the development of the core license plate recognition technology, we design, manufacture and market supplemental hardware devices specially engineered for the image capturing task of number plate recognition. With our titanHz Hungarian ANPR Cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and our Industrial Frame Grabber Cards your system will be plug-and-play-equipped with an ultimate high quality image capturing technology for 24hour/day, 7days/week operation.

Why Would You Choose Us?
We offer you the ultimate license plate recognition technology of the highest quality on a competitive price. By choosing us you choose to benefit from our expertise of a decade-long experience collected from thousands of installations in over 60 countries worldwide. By choosing us you choose a reliable, responsible partner who values long term, mutually beneficial partnerships. We are committed to innovation, technology and quality... And our partners are satisfied.
Hungarian ALPR Performance
Hungarian ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) performance titanHz's Plate Recognition Engine is the set of software routines that isolate and extract the number plate data from the video image. This is the core component of every Hungarian ANPR solution (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) that delivers and is capable of recognising all international number plates, namely Latin, Arabic, Chinese, Korean,Hungarian and Cyrillic.

There are several other living expressions for ANPR, such as: license plate reading, numberplate recognition, car plate recognition, car license recognition, car plate reading, registration number recognition, automatic plate identification, automatic plate reading, optical plate recognition, vehicle plate recognition, car plate OCR, automatic license recognition, automatic licence plate recognition, car number OCR, etc.

The rate of successful recognition of titanHz's Hungarian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) exceeds 95% and the average recognition time per number plate is less than 0.05 seconds.

titanHz uses special Hungarian ANPR Cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) that ensure maximum recognition capability and long-term reliability. Day and night they see through their own IR illumination as this ensures a clear picture that is unaffected by sunlight, reflections, headlights and other sources of disturbance.

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Greek ANPR Systems

Greek ANPR Systems

The titanHz Greek ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a compact, rugged, fully integrated number plate reading camera incorporating the camera, illuminator and the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) processor within a single sealed enclosure. Spike has been integrated into a wide variety of systems worldwide for applications such as congestion monitoring, real-time journey time information, covert security, Police applications and tolling and can be used in both portable and permanent configurations. In common with the rest of the Spike family, Spike requires minimal installation and its discreet appearance has only a small impact on the surrounding environment, making it ideal for installation in difficult or covert environments. However, despite its small size, Spike is extremely robust and designed to deliver reliable operation in all weather conditions 24 hours a day. The unit is designed for truly low power 18V operation, is fully web-enabled and can be configured and monitored via a standard web browser. It comprises of a monochrome CCD camera with a built-in infra-red (IR) light-emitting diode (LED) illuminator. There is an optional integrated colour camera, allowing an overview image to be transmitted with the IR and text data. The integrated number plate processor incorporates PIPS Technology's ultra-high accuracy AutoPlate Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) engine. Triggering of the read can be internal from the video image, or by an external sensor.
criminals don't have the freedom of the roads without fearing detection. This fast growing technology has driven closer liaison between neighbouring forces, which by sharing their Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) intelligence, helps reduce cross-border crime.
German ANPR Systems Functionality
We install the Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera range using the Standard camera for short or medium range vehicle recognition applications and a Long range option for when the camera cannot be sited close to the action. The Dual camera range gives you an Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and overview camera as a combined unit, providing you with everything you need to identify the vehicle, available in Standard and Dual Long range versions. Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Speed cameras with built in speed sensors accurately measuring vehicle speeds between 5 - 120mph are available in Standard and Dual Speed versions. For low level camera applications where vehicles need to be identified at a vehicle barrier or gate for example, the Bollard Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera, available in standard and dual versions, provides the solution. All cameras are linked to a dedicated Greek ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Processor using our highly acclaimed full-motion ANPR recognition engine.

We are NACOSS GOLD registered installers and certified to British Standard BS EN ISO 9001:2000. All our installations comply with CCTV Standards, NCP 104, BS EN 50132-7:1996 and BS 8418: 2003 where applicable.
Monitoring Vehicle Traffic
ANPR Cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) linked to a Comet UTMC traffic management system allow live journey time information to be displayed to the operator and also to the public via the Internet. As well as providing real-time information on network performance through the calculation of journey times, the data collected by the camera network is invaluable in removing the need for expensive, manpower intensive surveys at infrequent intervals to determine traffic flows. The flexible communications architecture available with Sicore allows easy integration into Siemens’ Comet alongside existing Greek ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and other devices

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German ANPR Systems

German ANPR Systems

The titanHz German ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a policing tool designed to make it far more difficult for them to do this without being detected. Cameras linked to a computer read the vehicle's number plate as it passes. This reading is then automatically checked against the German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) database, which holds information from a variety of databases. If the number plate is matched, for instance against a report of a stolen car, German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) equipment sounds an alert so officers can stop the vehicle for further enquiries. The German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) database is updated twice a day to ensure information is as current as possible.
criminals don't have the freedom of the roads without fearing detection. This fast growing technology has driven closer liaison between neighbouring forces, which by sharing their German ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) intelligence, helps reduce cross-border crime.
German ANPR Systems Functionality
We install the German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera range using the Standard camera for short or medium range vehicle recognition applications and a Long range option for when the camera cannot be sited close to the action. The Dual camera range gives you an German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and overview camera as a combined unit, providing you with everything you need to identify the vehicle, available in Standard and Dual Long range versions. ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Speed cameras with built in speed sensors accurately measuring vehicle speeds between 5 - 120mph are available in Standard and Dual Speed versions. For low level camera applications where vehicles need to be identified at a vehicle barrier or gate for example, the Bollard German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera, available in standard and dual versions, provides the solution. All cameras are linked to a dedicated German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Processor using our highly acclaimed full-motion German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) recognition engine. We are NACOSS GOLD registered installers and certified to British Standard BS EN ISO 9001:2000. All our installations comply with CCTV Standards, NCP 104, BS EN 50132-7:1996 and BS 8418: 2003 where applicable.
ACPO level post with German ANPR portfolio responsibility
Ensures that the force German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) policy is in place and that the forces ANPR capability is commensurate to meet the standards defined in policy. Accountable for ensuring that the requirements arising from the German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) policy are included within other force policies that support or enable compliance with those requirements. Responsible for ensuring that the force standards for German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) management and use are defined, and that systems are in place to monitor service delivery and the realisation of business benefits. Responsible for ensuring the strategic development of German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and the full engagement with the Regional  German ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) User Group. Responsible for approving any Information Sharing Agreements with partnerships. Responsible for ensuring that the provision for learning and development for all staff, appropriate to their needs and requirements, is delivered. 

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French ANPR Systems

French ANPR Systems

The titanHz French ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a great method that uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on images to read French Vehicle Number Plates. They can use existing closed-circuit television or road-rule enforcement cameras, or ones specifically designed for the task. They are used by various police forces and as a method of electronic toll collection on pay-per-use roads and cataloging the movements of traffic or individuals. French ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition ) can be used to store the images captured by the cameras as well as the text from the license plate, with some configurable to store a photograph of the driver. Systems commonly use infrared lighting to allow the camera to take the picture at any time of the day. French ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology tends to be region-specific, owing to plate variation from place to place. Concerns about these systems have centered on privacy fears of government tracking citizens' movements, mis-identification, high error rates, and increased government spending.

The French ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is the new weapon of gendarmes in the fight against crime and trafficking. This will also be weapon against crime in general when you consider that a criminal uses a vehicle to access the place of his crime or to escape. 500 vehicles equipped with this new technology will be deployed nationwide in France in the next few months.

How the French ANPR Systems Works?

Number plate recognition module French ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Gate Contains a 2-channel software for the recognition and storage of number plates and the analysis of a “black & white list” for the control of incoming / outgoing vehicles, time-controlled access, standard analysis tool, encrypted MySQL database (not accessible by customers). Number plate recognition module French ALPR (Automatic Licence Plate Recognition) Traffic Contains a 2-channel software module for the recognition and storage of number plates and the analysis of a “black & white list” for the control of incoming / outgoing vehicles. High-resolution number plate detection, time-controlled access, premium analysis tool with filter functions. Software also installable on external system for more lanes.

We install the unique French ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera range using the Standard camera for short or medium range vehicle recognition applications and a Long range option for when the camera cannot be sited close to the action.

Parking application of French ANPR Systems

There are a variety of French ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) in use, including parking metres, barrier or attendant pay on entry, pay at exit barrier or attendant and ‘Pay and Display' car parks. Examples of fraud or parking "scams" include tailgating in and out of ‘Pay on Foot' car parks, where cars are driven closely behind another vehicle, or keeping the barrier in a raised position via the road loops in the ground, resulting in parking for free. Pay and Display car parks are particularly vulnerable to fraud. Motorists fail to purchase a ticket and park for free, or outstay the value of the ticket, or pass an unexpired ticket to another driver. The public generally prefers the swiftness of a Pay and Display car park, perceiving that access and parking are quicker without barrier-control. All types of parking involve the collection and handling of substantial amounts of cash. Fraud in many town centre car parks can be substantial because of the high level of turnover. The main fraud risks are theft of takings with and without manipulation of records, recycling of tickets and inadequate control of tickets and security keys. 

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