Thursday, 4 July 2013

Norwegian ANPR Systems

Norwegian ANPR Systems

The titanHz Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is one of the greatest world's leading Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), employing state of the art neural network techniques for character recognition. This capability ensures system efficiency and integrity for use in high volume or standard traffic flow situations. Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) are used extensively in policing and law enforcement and are now being used to monitor areas such as car parks, congestion zones and toll booths. Norwegian ANPR Systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) must quickly and accurately identify vehicles through the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). LED illuminators are ideal for use in Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) due to their long lifetimes, availability in a range of wavelengths and suitability for strobing. Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) illuminators must also be robust, particularly if being used in a mobile system, and long lasting as maintenance can be costly. titanHz provide illuminators with MTBFs of up to 100,000 hours. supplies some of the leading Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) manufacturers with LED illuminators. titanHz SpecBright Spotlights are used as illuminators for Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and titanHz also supplies custom solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
major feature of the National Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Data Centre for car numbers is the ability to data mine. Advanced versatile automated data mining software trawls through the vast amounts of data collected, finding patterns and meaning in the data. Data mining can be used on the records of previous sightings to build up intelligence of a vehicle's movements on the road network or can be used to find cloned vehicles by searching the database for impossibly quick journeys.
Functional use of Norwegian ANPR Systems
Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) has been used in such schemes to identify what vehicles are traversing a location, on the basis that the technology is less "invasive" than electronic tagging systems that require users to gain a RFID tag for the particular driver or vehicle. The registration database is typically linked to a billing system, with Norwegian ANPR System (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) being used to identify 'authorized' vehicles (which have usually paid for the privilege of using the local road network) and non-authorized vehicles, which are automatically issued with a fine. The Canada congestion pricing scheme (centred on a standard charge for private cars and commercial vehicles entering the zone during particular periods, with a 90% discount for residents and exemption for buses, taxis and disabled individuals) envisages that the penalty will be around per instance. while the current level of accuracy would not support an account-based charging system (for which a vehicle would have to be detected in order to be charged), it is sufficient for the enforcement of the current pre-pay system; individuals must pay the charge without knowing whether they have been detected.

Given the speed of processing and sufficient cameras it is possible to develop highly granular, time-specific and dynamic charging, eg different charges at various times of the day, higher charges when pollution reaches particular levels.
Highway Applications of Norwegian ANPR Systems
In com­mon with the statu­tory duty of any pub­lic body, the High­ways Agency will pro­vide assis­tance to the Police in the inves­ti­ga­tion of spe­cific seri­ous crimes (typ­i­cally those which carry a life sen­tence). The hash­ing process cre­ates a non-unique tag that may con­se­quently apply to a num­ber of vehi­cles. The High­ways Agency can­not there­fore be defin­i­tive about a spe­cific vehi­cle, and can only say whether or not one or more vehi­cles with that non-unique tag was observed at the loca­tion and within the spec­i­fied time parameters. As the data is non per­sonal infor­ma­tion (due to the non-unique tag for­mat) there are no Data Pro­tec­tion restric­tions on how long we keep it. Cur­rently, the data is kept indef­i­nitely for mod­el­ling the net­work effec­tively and antic­i­pat­ing dri­vers’ behav­iour in response to inci­dents on the road network . As the data is non per­sonal infor­ma­tion (due to the non-unique tag for­mat) there are no Data Pro­tec­tion restric­tions on how long we keep it. Cur­rently, the data is kept indef­i­nitely for mod­el­ling the net­work effec­tively and antic­i­pat­ing dri­vers’ behav­iour in response to inci­dents on the road network.

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1 comment:

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